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How to Prevent Tooth Decay in Children

Nov 16, 2022

While Canadians as a whole tend to have good oral health, early childhood caries (or cavities) are remarkably common. Many parents don't believe that childhood cavities are significant because their baby teeth will fall out, but they can actually have a long-term effect on your child's oral health. 

As a parent, it's your responsibility to keep your child's teeth clean and healthy, but it's not always easy. We're here to help. Read on to learn all about how to prevent tooth decay in children.

Model Good Oral Health Habits

When you have a young child, you have a responsibility to be on your best behaviour whenever you're within eyesight of them! That's a lot of pressure put on you, but it's for a good reason. Children imitate almost everything their parents do, and you want to set a good example.

When your child is learning how to take care of their teeth and gums, you need to show them. This means that you'll have to model good oral health habits. You may end up brushing or flossing your teeth during inopportune times (in this case, your child's bedtime instead of yours), but that temporary inconvenience will be worthwhile. 

Go above and beyond to take care of your teeth while your child is young, both for your oral health and theirs. Be over-enthusiastic about brushing and flossing.

Watch Your Child Brush

When your child is a late toddler, they'll be able to start brushing and flossing on their own. This will be incredibly exciting for you as a parent who no longer has to meticulously brush each tiny tooth for your baby.

You should observe your child while they brush, however, at least until they get the hang of it. Even after they've already learned and practiced for several years, it's a good idea to check your child's toothbrush to make sure they brushed their teeth. Children can be sneaky!

Watching your child will let you know that they're using good brushing habits and give you time to correct bad habits.

Modify Your Child's Diet

It's no secret that there are a lot of foods that are terrible for your child's teeth. Unfortunately, a lot of those foods are tasty ones. 

It's a good idea to get your child into the habit of a low-sugar diet right away. While sugar is okay in moderation, in excess, it's bad for your oral health and your physical health in general. Sugar can lead to dental decay as the bacteria in your child's mouth thrive on it. 

Most parents are aware that sugary treats are just that, treats. But they may forget about another common source of sugar for children: juice. 

If you give your child too much juice, the sugar and acid can harm their teeth. If they're sipping juice throughout the day, the sugar has a lot of time to do damage.

Make water the drink of choice in your home and reserve other drinks for during meals or snacks. Water will also flush bacteria out of your child's mouth throughout the day. 

You should also avoid any acidic foods too close before it's time to brush. Acidic foods and drinks will weaken the enamel on your child's teeth and make them more likely to develop oral tooth decay if that enamel isn't given time to harden back up again.

Make Oral Health Fun

This is going to take some creativity, but it's a great way to prevent cavities in children. Do your best to make oral health enjoyable.

How can you do that?

Start by using the right products.

Find a fun toothbrush that your child enjoys. Consider letting them pick it out themself! Many children's toothbrushes have recognizable characters on them and some even play music. 

Then pick a flavoured toothpaste. This isn't necessary, but it can help if your child is resistant to the taste of mint. 

Look for apps that encourage good brushing habits for children. Generally speaking, the apps are simple games that encourage your child to brush for the proper amount of time. Some of them include popular characters from movies or television shows. 

When your child is able to "gamify" brushing their teeth, they're more likely to do it.

Reward Good Behaviour

Children love reward systems. Reward good behaviour and your child will continue displaying good behaviour. 

The way you reward good brushing habits will depend on your specific child. Some children love having reward charts, so perhaps you'll add a tally to the chart every day they flossed without being asked to, and after 30 days they get a special treat.

Younger children may need more immediate rewards. Perhaps they get 10 more minutes of playtime at night if they brush their teeth without arguing. 

Modify your rewards to suit your individual child's needs.

Normalize the Dentist

This is one of the best things you can do to prevent early tooth decay and cavities in children. You need to normalize the dentist. The earlier you start taking your child to the dentist, the better.

Ideally, children will see the dentist for the first time by their first birthday and they'll go about twice per year after that (once per year at the very least). 

Because your child will start seeing the dentist during their infancy, the dentist shouldn't be scary. A child who's eager to go to the dentist will have healthier teeth. The dentist will be able to catch any problems before they start.

Tips for Babies and Toddlers

The above tips are helpful for older children, but what about if you have an infant? If you have a baby or young toddler, you're responsible for their oral health! They're not able to take care of their own teeth yet. 

For new parents, this can be daunting. You need to protect those tiny baby teeth, but how? Here's a quick rundown.

Clean the Baby's Mouth After Every Meal

Even if your baby isn't eating solid food yet, it's a good idea to clean their mouth after every meal to get rid of bacteria. If they have a few tiny teeth, you can use a soft toothbrush. If there are no teeth at all, you can use a soft cloth.

You don't have to do too much here. A quick wipe with some warm water should be enough for an infant and a quick brush will be enough for a baby with a few budding teeth.

Avoid Bedtime Bottles

Does your baby or toddler self-soothe with a bottle? This is normal, but it's not great for your child's teeth. It's a good idea to find other ways to help your child drift off to sleep so they don't have to rely on the bottle anymore. 

When your child drifts off to sleep with a bottle, the bacteria from the sugar present in the milk will linger in their mouth. This isn't a catastrophe if your child has no teeth at all, but once they start teething, it could cause problems for their baby teeth.

You should also avoid letting your child carry a bottle around all day. When it's not time for a meal, have your child drink water (as long as they're old enough, of course).

Ask the Dentist for Advice

As we mentioned before, your child should start seeing the dentist before their first birthday. If you're a first-time parent, those dentist visits are the perfect opportunity for you to ask questions! Pediatric dentists fully expect you to need a bit of help, so don't be embarrassed. 

Ask the dentist to show you how to clean your infant's teeth and gums if you're unsure. Ask them about the best toothpaste on the market and when your child should start brushing. You can even ask them when your child should stop using a pacifier or sucking their thumb.

The dentist is there to help you. They're a valuable resource, so use them!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • When should I start taking my child to the dentist?

    Ideally, children should see the dentist for the first time by their first birthday and go about twice per year after that (once per year at the very least).

  • How can I model good oral health habits for my child?

    As a parent, you can model good oral health habits by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly and consistently and letting your child observe you while you do it.

  • When can my child start brushing and flossing on their own?

    Most children can start brushing and flossing on their own when they are late toddlers, but it's important to observe them and correct any bad habits until they get the hang of it.

  • What should my child's diet include to prevent tooth decay?

    It's important to get your child into the habit of a low-sugar diet right away, as excess sugar can lead to dental decay. Water should be the drink of choice, and acidic foods and drinks should be avoided too close to brushing time.

  • How can I make oral health fun for my child?

    You can make oral health enjoyable for your child by using fun toothbrushes with recognizable characters, flavoured toothpaste, and apps that encourage good brushing habits. "Gamifying" brushing can make it more enjoyable for children.

  • How can I reward good brushing habits in my child?

    Rewarding good brushing habits can be done through reward charts, where children can earn tallies for each day they brush without being asked to, or through immediate rewards like extra playtime at night.

  • How often should my child brush their teeth?

    Children should brush their teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using fluoride toothpaste appropriate for their age.

  • Can juice harm my child's teeth?

    Yes, excess juice consumption can harm your child's teeth due to the sugar and acid content. It's best to limit juice intake and make water the drink of choice.

  • Should my child use fluoride toothpaste?

    Yes, fluoride toothpaste is recommended for children to help prevent tooth decay. The amount of toothpaste used should be appropriate for the child's age, and they should be supervised while brushing.

  • Why is it important to normalize the dentist for my child?

    Normalizing the dentist from an early age can help your child develop a positive attitude towards dental visits and establish good oral health habits that can prevent early tooth decay and cavities.

  • How can I encourage my child to brush for the proper amount of time?

    You can use apps or timers to encourage your child to brush for the recommended two minutes. There are many apps available that make brushing a fun and interactive experience for children.

  • How often should my child visit the dentist?

    Children should ideally visit the dentist twice a year for regular check-ups and cleanings. However, at the very least, they should visit the dentist once a year for routine dental care.

  • How can I help my child develop good oral health habits for the long-term?

    You can help your child develop good oral health habits for the long term by modelling good oral hygiene practices, monitoring their brushing and flossing, encouraging a low-sugar diet, making oral health fun, rewarding good behaviour, normalizing the dentist, and ensuring regular dental visits.

Tooth Decay in Children Is Preventable

Preventing tooth decay in children is the responsibility of parents and dentists. Are you up to the challenge? 

This guide is a great starting point, but don't forget to make an appointment with your child's dentist. At the end of the day, receiving proper dental care as early as possible is one of the best ways to prevent cavities and other oral health issues. 

If your child is in need of dental care in Mississauga or Stoney Creek, we're here for you! Contact us today to set up an appointment at either of our locations.

Dr. Ehab Daas

Meet your doctor

Dr. Ehab is a passionate dentist with 15 years of dental experience. He received his D.D.S in 1997, and has practiced dentistry for 6 years since then. Immediately after that, Dr. Da'as moved to Paris to get his Orthodontics and Prosthodontic diploma's in which he specialized in fixed bridges and crowns. He graduated from France with remarkable achievements in 2005, and went on to work for 9 years, focusing on difficult orthodontics cases and satisfying his ortho patients. Dr. Ehab moved to Canada in 2014 to continue his career, where he is proud and extremely honoured to provide his patients with the highest quality service.
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