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The Surprising Effects of Misaligned Teeth (And How You Can Fix Them)

Mar 14, 2022

There's a silent, painless disease that 70% of Canadians will develop. It's called gum disease. Not surprisingly, it's one of the most common dental problems in the country and even the world.

Thankfully, gum disease is easily preventable with regular brushing and flossing. This removes plaque that gets below the gums. However, if you have misaligned teeth, it can be hard to reach these areas.

This makes it hard to clean your teeth effectively. It can make you more prone to this unfortunate disease.

But, it's not the only health risk misaligned teeth can trigger. There are quite a few others. Read on to find out what they are and how you can prevent them from occurring.

What Causes Misaligned Teeth

Having misaligned or crooked teeth is also referred to as malocclusion. It occurs when the upper and lower teeth don't fit together as they should. Whether slight or noticeable, here are a few reasons your "fit" or bite may be less than perfect:

The Size of Your Jaw

If you were born with a small jaw, this can cause problems. There may not be enough room for your teeth to grow and align as they should in your mouth. The result is teeth that become crooked as they grow out.

The Size of Your Teeth

Large teeth may have the same effect as a smaller jaw. The combination of the two is even worse. This can cause overcrowding making your teeth misaligned to fit in your mouth.

The Number of Teeth in Your Mouth

Tooth size is not the only issue that can cause misalignment. The number of teeth you have can affect their straightness as well.

The average adult has 32 teeth. However, some may have a few more in addition to their wisdom teeth. This too can cause overcrowding as your teeth vie for a position in your mouth.

But don't think that you're at an advantage if you have fewer teeth than normal. Conversely, this causes gaps in your mouth. The more room there is, the greater the likelihood of teeth moving out of alignment.

Early Loss of Baby Teeth

The early loss of baby teeth can have the same effect as having fewer teeth in your mouth. Baby teeth usually fall out shortly before your adult teeth grow into your mouth. This allows them to grow in the correct position.

If you lose your baby teeth earlier than normal, it may take some time for your adult teeth to grow. This can result in improper growth due to the extra room in your mouth.

Sucking Your Thumb

Most people would consider this one of the major reasons for misaligned teeth. Although it might be a natural, harmless habit for a baby, it can become a problem after the age of four. This is around the time when thumbsucking can push the teeth forward permanently.

Pushing Your Tongue Against Your Teeth

Although seemingly harmless, pressing your tongue against your teeth can misalign them. This usually occurs if the habit starts during early childhood.

Your teeth will naturally want to grow into the correct position. But constantly pushing your tongue against them can disrupt this. This can result in crooked teeth.

Health Risks Associated with Having Misaligned Teeth

If you have misaligned teeth you might be self-conscious about your smile. But there are other things about this condition that should concern you. These are more than aesthetics.

Difficulty Maintaining Clean Teeth

You already know one of the major risk factors of misaligned teeth is the development of gum disease. Having crooked teeth can make keeping them clean difficult. This not only involves brushing but flossing as well.

It's often hard to get to the tight spaces between misaligned teeth. If left unattended this can also lead to dental decay.

The Greater Chance of Halitosis

Halitosis is more commonly known as bad breath. It's an inevitable consequence if you're unable to maintain clean teeth. The levels of bacteria in your mouth increase, leading to extremely bad breath.

Even mouthwash may not be a quick fix as it may still not reach the tight spaces where the bacteria is present. Bad breath can make you self-conscious and avoid social settings. You may find yourself missing out on many opportunities as a result of this.

Increased Wear on Your Enamel

In addition to having crooked teeth, the last thing you'll want is a chipped tooth. But the possibility of this increases with misaligned teeth. Your bottom teeth can protrude due to overcrowding.

They'll inevitably end up rubbing against your upper teeth. This wears your teeth down over time which compromises your enamel. Your teeth become weaker and can chip or break easily.

This weakness can also result in an abscess or cavities. All of these can be extremely painful. Not to mention, they can result in high dental costs.

Jaw Abnormalities

Jaw abnormalities, specifically temporomandibular disorder (TMD or TMJ) can result from misaligned teeth. It occurs when there's excessive wear on your jaw and hinge joint.

It's extremely painful and can cause discomfort in your shoulders, face, and neck. Symptoms can also include jaw locking and popping. It's a common occurrence when you have misaligned teeth.

Difficulty Chewing

If you have crooked teeth because of a misaligned jaw, this can make chewing difficult. It's often due to the bottom and upper teeth rubbing together. Unfortunately, difficulty chewing food can lead to choking or digestive issues.

Losing Your Smile

Crooked teeth can make you self-conscious when you smile. You may even stop smiling to hide them. But this can have a psychological effect. 

Smiling is often linked with feelings of happiness and confidence. It can also help lessen feelings of anxiety and stress. Losing these important elements can have an adverse effect on your mental health.

Effects on Your Heart Health

The bacteria building up in hard-to-reach places in and around your teeth may not only stay in your mouth. They can travel through your bloodstream as well. This can affect your heart valves and lead to heart-related complications.

Increased Headaches

Your heart isn't the only part of your body that misaligned teeth can affect. They can increase the number of headaches you get as well.

These are often caused by the pressure from your teeth constantly rubbing together. This also puts a strain on jaw muscles.

Headaches will not only be more frequent, but painful too. If you've been getting headaches and aren't sure why you might want to ask your dentist.

Speech Issues

Did you know crooked teeth could result in speech issues? Severe misalignment of the teeth can make it difficult to form sounds including "c", "j", and "s".

It may make you avoid speaking in public and fill you with trepidation at the thought of meeting new people. This may cause you to avoid social situations, even potential job interviews.

Ways to Fix Misaligned Teeth

There are a lot of far-reaching consequences of having misaligned teeth. But these don't have to be a fait accompli. The good news is that it's possible to straighten crooked teeth.

The advancements in orthodontic treatment give you more options. These are also a lot less painful than past treatments. An orthodontist can recommend the best course of action based on your condition. These can include:

  • Metal bonded braces
  • Braces with clear brackets
  • Clear aligners
  • Braces with self-ligating brackets
  • Retainers

The use of these treatments may also require additional appliances depending on the severity of your case. You may also want to consider cosmetic dental treatments. This includes veneers to realign your teeth.

Veneers are usually either made of composite material or dental porcelain. It's placed over your tooth so that it protects it from damage. It also straightens your teeth and enhances your smile.

A Healthy Smile That Builds Confidence

First impressions count and unfortunately, crooked teeth can alter your smile. This can affect your level of confidence and may even cause you to smile less. But there are also other concerns associated with misaligned teeth.

If left untreated they can adversely affect your health. You'll want to get it corrected as soon as possible to avoid this. But you'll need to find the right dentist to provide you with the appropriate treatment.

In Mississauga and Stoney Creek you don't have to look very far. Daas Dentistry can provide you with the dental care you need. We have over 25 years of experience and offer a wide range of dental services. Why wait? Book your appointment today!

Dr. Ehab Daas

Meet your doctor

Dr. Ehab is a passionate dentist with 15 years of dental experience. He received his D.D.S in 1997, and has practiced dentistry for 6 years since then. Immediately after that, Dr. Da'as moved to Paris to get his Orthodontics and Prosthodontic diploma's in which he specialized in fixed bridges and crowns. He graduated from France with remarkable achievements in 2005, and went on to work for 9 years, focusing on difficult orthodontics cases and satisfying his ortho patients. Dr. Ehab moved to Canada in 2014 to continue his career, where he is proud and extremely honoured to provide his patients with the highest quality service.
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